
無料 麻雀 ゲーム 天 聖 の英語教諭・ALTがオススメの本や英語を紹介します。

Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?

デック先生がエリック・カールの「はらぺこあおむし(The Very Hungry Caterpillar)」を紹介していますね。鮮やかなコラージュの切り抜きが有名な作品で、読んだことはなくても表紙に見覚えがある人も多いでしょう。ところでみなさんはエリック・カールの切り抜きが楽しめる他の作品は読んだことがありますか?

今回私が紹介する英語の本は、同じくエリック・カールが挿絵を手掛けた「しろくまくん なにがきこえる?(Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?)」です。




The Very Hungry Caterpillar

This book is read to most children. It was the first book I remembered as a child. I remember my mum reading it to me many times during my childhood. It’s fun, easy to read and maybe you already know it in Japanese too!

The book has won many awards because it’s easy to follow but also teaches children about the life cycle of a caterpillar. So you can laugh and learn at the same time!

Recently even a TV show has been made about this story!

I hope you enjoy it a lot! But maybe it will make you hungry so please have a snack nearby!

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