Sapporo SOSEI Senior High School

English Page

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Geographic Location

Japan consists of four major islands and among them Hokkaido is the second largest one.
Sapporo is located in the central part of Hokkaido.
Our city is blessed with four distinct seasons and surrounded by beauty.
The average temperature is around 11 degrees celsius with a high of 30 and a low of minus 10.

Our school is near the Nan-boku subway line and route 5, so it is easy to reach.
The building, which is colorful and bright, is located in a residential area about 2.5 kms north of Sapporo station.


Sapporo SOSEI Senior High School 1-1,NORTH 29 WEST 2,Kita-ku, Sapporo, HOKKAIDO 001-8501 JAPAN
Telephone +81 11 726-1579 / Facsimile +81 11 726-7542

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